A few years ago, fascinated by the folkloric Green Man, I decided to model and render one of my own with 3D software. Friends to whom I'd shown the resulting images, both at that time and more recently, insisted these were of salable quality. So, I decided to make some improvements and a decorative addition, all with the aim of offering them in one or more forms of media via my soon-to-open (knock on wood) Zazzle shop. Below is a sample image (click to enlarge):
The most notable change is the addition of decorative Celtic knot frames (a recently-acquired font made the process much faster and easier than it would have been otherwise). At first I worked in fits and starts, learning all the components and wondering just how challenging the design of a knotted frame would prove to be, but then quickly got into a flow. I'm very happy with how my frames look, especially as this was my first real attempt at the craft.